Hello Summit Church Family!  We are so excited to gather with you for worship starting on Sunday, May 31.  To follow St. Louis County guidelines and to open the best and safest way for all of our people, things will look a little different.  Please take a minute to read this information so you can be familiar with our efforts to provide everyone with a safe worship environment.


When You Attend:

  • Doors may be propped open or held open, weather permitting, to prevent the need for church members to touch doors while entering and exiting the church or sanctuary.
  • You will be greeted in the foyer.  There will be masks and hand sanitizer available for you.  We encourage you to wear a mask, but it is not mandatory.  
  • We will not be passing out bulletins or tracts.
  • We will be encouraging "touchless" giving, meaning online giving or text to give.  We will not be passing the offering receptacles.  We will have an offering receptacle and offering envelopes at the table in the foyer.  
  • We will have Summit Kids on a trial basis, as long as we have the number of children we currently have and social distancing can be maintained.
  • For your protection, all volunteers will be screened before each service and will be required to wear masks (as per St. Louis County requirements). The screening will involve asking volunteers if they have had any of the symptoms of COVID 19 or have been exposed anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19.
  • All surfaces that may be frequently touched will be sanitized before and after each service.
  • The chairs will be rearranged and people will be seated by the ushers. Each person or family group will be at least 6 feet apart.
  • We ask everyone to maintain six feet of social distancing as you move in and out of the building.  Please no handshakes, fist bumps or hugs.
  • At the end of the service, people will be dismissed by family units, starting at the back of the sanctuary, so social distancing can be maintained.  People will be asked to exit the building and not congregate in the foyer or hallways.
  • The water fountain will be shut off. 
  • We will be planning the services to be one hour long
  • We encourage you, if possible, to perform temperature checks at home prior to attending the service.


Please Do Not Attend:

  • If you have any concerns or health issues, we strongly recommend you remain at home and watch Pastor's sermon online on Facebook, YouTube or on our website.
  • High-risk individuals based on age or predisposed health conditions are advised not to attend.
  • Any person who has had any contact with known COVID-19 confirmed cases or who has flu symptoms or fever should stay home and self-quarantine.


We must make the following statement due to insurance and legal liability issues:  Everyone must understand that by entering the building of Summit Church, it's staff, and congregants cannot be held liable for unintentional exposure to a virus or any other contagion or harm due to COVID-19. 


We realize some folks may think the above guidelines are not necessary and others may think they don't go far enough.  However, we feel it is important always to err on the side of caution. We believe in faith and the power of God over sickness and disease and we also believe in following good medical guidelines.


Let's all work together through this present crisis and hopefully the above restrictions can be eased in the very near future.


Hope to see you all on May 31.


In Christ,

Pastor Terry & Diane